Session 2 – Bakery Trends and Ambitions in a Recovery Context

Session 2 – Bakery Trends and Ambitions in a Recovery Context

A promising clear sky following the thunderstorm. This session will guide the audience through the profound deep changes in the industry triggered by the Covid crisis. It will not only take stock of these changes, but also explore how the new context is being valued by the bakery industry and its value chain partners. The session will conclude with prominent industry leaders sharing their views and strategic reflections.

Time and session # Themes and Speakers
09:30 – 09:40 S2.1 Moderator introduction
Cyrille Filott, Global Strategist – Consumer Foods, Rabobank
09:40 – 10:10 S2.2 Buckle up seat belts for some very bumpy years! What’s happening in and around the global food industry?
David Hughes, Dr Food
10:10 – 10:40 S2.3 The European bakery industry: market context, main players and future challenges
Anne Fremaux, Director of Bakery Activities, Girag & Associates (GIRA)
10:40 – 11:20 Coffee break
11:20 – 11:50 S2.4 Re-thinking the supply chain in bakery
Cyrille Filott, Global Strategist – Consumer Foods, Rabobank
11:50 – 13:00 S2.5 Industry Leaders Panel discussion
Frank Kleiner, Chief Executive Officer, Harry-Brot GmbH
Guido Vanherpe
, Chief Executive Officer, La Lorraine Bakery Group
Robert O’Boyle
, Chief Executive Officer, Délifrance
Pierre Tossut
, Chief Executive Officer, Puratos