Jean-Manuel Lévêque

Chairman of NOVEPAN

Jean-Manuel Lévêque

Chairman of NOVEPAN


Aged 61, Jean-Manuel Lévêque has a degree from SKEMA Business School and spent most of his career within the GRANDS MOULINS DE PARIS/DELIFRANCE Group.

He assumed various responsibilities in the Milling business, and was CEO of the flour export department.

He then joined DELIFRANCE in 1998, a major pan European bake-off player, as international development director first, and as CEO for 15 years.

In 2018, Jean-Manuel became Chairman and co-owner of NOVEPAN, a medium size company active in the premium bake-off industry with 6 factories in France.

Jean-Manuel Lévêque is treasurer of the French Federation of industrial Bakers, (F.E.B.) and has been President of the A.I.B.I (International Association of Plant Bakeries), from 2015 to 2017.  He was a speaker at the A.B.A. Congress (American Bakery Association) in the US in 2017.



Participant in Industry Leaders Panel Discussion
Session 3, 17 June 2022

All sessions by Jean-Manuel Lévêque