Etienne Maillard

Innovation Director for Central and East Europe, Lesaffre

Etienne Maillard

Innovation Director for Central and East Europe, Lesaffre


Etienne Maillard started working in baking sector in 1989 by joining Lesaffre to hold various positions in the fields of Quality, Baking Centre, Marketing and Innovation based in Europe, Middle East, Asia, Central Europe.

Etienne concluded his studies with a Business School in Paris after an initial training in Quality Management (Lille) and a specialization in Innovation (Quimper).

Today, he is Innovation Director for Central and East Europe in Lasaffre.



Bakery 2022: resilience & adaptation with space for innovation?
Session 4, 18 June 2022

COVID 19 and its consequences have penalized some of us, created opportunities for others, but left no one indifferent. If tempted that we can consider this crisis as over, let’s look together at the impacts it has had through 6 tables showing the value chain (food ecosystem, consumption, distribution, production, technology and raw materials). 54 entries will be presented, 18 of which will be commented on during this intervention which does not claim to be exhaustive in the answers but ambitious in the questions asked.

Participant in Innovation Panel Discussion
Session 4, 18 June 2022

All sessions by Etienne Maillard