Olivier Sergent

President, Mecatherm

Olivier Sergent

President, Mecatherm


Olivier Sergent was born in Paris in 1961. Passionate about the industry from the very beginning, he graduated as an engineer from the Paris ENSAM (l’Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts et métiers).

Olivier began his professional career in Africa, where he completed several internships in the oil industry. He continued his career in Mexico City and carried out his cooperation within the LEGRAND company. At the end of this period, Olivier decided to stay in Mexico, where he worked as a commercial engineer for a German industrial company until 1985.

Back in France, he started his consultant career with Coopers and Lybrand (now Price Coopers). Olivier continued with the COGEMA group, before beginning his career as an independent consultant.

That’s how he came to know the company GOUET, a manufacturer of industrial bakery ovens. Olivier took over GOUET as the General Manager at the age of 34. After 11 years at the head of the company, he contributed to its sale to MECATHERM, its main competitor, and became President of the organization in 2014. As France’s Foreign Trade Advisor, Olivier contributed to the strong international deployment towards countries with emerging economies on five continents.

At the heart of MECATHERM’s development strategy are the men and women of the company. Since 2014, it has been recruiting high-level talent. These professionals continue to make MECATHERM an attractive company to work with.

More recently, as President of the holding TMG – Together Means Greater and the owner of MECATHERM, Olivier supported the acquisition of a majority stake in ABI Auto-Bake Industries Ltd. (“ABI LTD”). This company is a leading Canadian designer, manufacturer, and integrator of industrial baking equipment.

With 90% of a turnover generated by exports and clients in more than 70 countries on over five continents, MECATHERM validates Olivier Sergent’s vision of a French industry that is a source of wealth for the national economy. It is also a source of wealth for the countries where production lines are installed, providing quality food at accessible prices, from basic to premium quality, to the greatest number of people.



How to face today’s manufacturing labour shortages with digital services?
Session 4, 18 June 2022

From labor shortages to supply chain disruption and crazy price increases, the last few years have posed many challenges for industrial bakeries. Simultaneously, market expectations keep increasing in terms of product quality, industrial performance, flexibility, and sustainability. In such a context, adaptation and anticipation become essential. Olivier Sergent will share his views on how innovative digital services can support the industry to address these challenges. By using an intuitive analysis interface, digital services help industrial bakers anticipate drifts and optimize their equipment’s health, process stability, and performance stability. The implementation of appropriate and easy-to-use digital solutions also helps empower operators, improve their skills, and make their jobs more attractive.

Participant in Innovation Panel Discussion
Session 4, 18 June 2022

All sessions by Olivier Sergent